Watch Maggie tell her story of working with Applied Movement.



Personalised coaching and support to progress your personalised health journey.

Information is great, but it needs to lead to action and change. With guidance, support and challenge you will see change and achieve the energised life you desire and deserve, not just in theory but in practice.

Having discovered your biological code during the Discover Process, this Implement programme takes that knowledge, and over 8 sessions, supports and guides you to take the sustainable actions needed to achieve the tangible results you want.

The Implementation Session

  • Our first session introduces further detail of your ‘user manual’, and enables you to navigate and use it. We will look at the timing of your day and how to approach daily life while honouring the unique timing needs of your body and mind.

  • Sessions 2-8 are personalised to you on the lifestyle factors that have the most impact on your biological needs. We look at what habits, choices and activities are currently happening, what needs to change and what needs to stay. We then finish each session by planning how you can make the changes that need to happen.

What you can expect

  • We include the theory and the evidence behind each recommendation to ensure you have the clarity and confidence to take action.

  • Each session will conclude with a specific goal and plan of action for you to focus on between sessions.

  • We reassess your phenotype baseline to see the changes and progress compared to your initial Discovery Process assessment results and in our final session, we review your baseline again to inform you on how best to continue.

  • During the implementation process, you will have support, via text, call and emails. In our sessions, I will encourage and challenge you and I will be available to give you the information you need and provide a listening and friendly ear!

  • Sessions are 1 hour and scheduled at a time that suits you and the content is provided in a way that suits your specific biology, neurochemistry, learning style and circumstances. As part of the programme, we will get you physically moving and assess your physical environments.

Cost: $2000 (Payment by instalments is available)

Duration: 8 Session (approx 4-5months)