Discovery Process.

Discover your unique health profile and personal health requirements.

This process is run over three sessions and has been designed to kick-start a new way of living.

Session 1 This is a practical assessment, a fun discovery of your physical self where we use a combination of measurements and questions to assess and define your biological makeup. This data is a key aspect of personalised health as it provides objective information on your hormonal make-up, how all the systems in your body work, and uncovers the needs and priorities of your body and mind.

The assessment empowers us to generate a report detailing your biological code, clarifying your distinct health needs, highlighting strengths, and identifying areas that require attention. This assessment tool will be consistently integrated into any future monitoring and tracking of your progress towards achieving your goals.

Session 2, we explore your past and present, looking at who you are and how you live. Then, we look at where you want to go and what changes you seek. This allows us to build a map from your current state to your desired destination. From this session you'll leave with a fresh, clear understanding of your goals and why they matter.

Session 3, where everything comes together. By understanding the interplay between your distinctive biological makeup and your goals, you'll learn how to make more informed decisions for the future. Additionally, we will arm you with the guiding principles and practical steps for you to efficiently navigate from your current situation to your desired destination based on your unique biology.

At the end of this Discovery Process, you will understand your unique biological code and be able to take immediate action in your life in the areas of movement, nutrition, mental health, your environment, social relationships and work - leading to a healthier, happier and balanced life.

As a part of this process, you will receive a full report, and begin to make changes to your health through guided practical activities provided. This is about learning as well as doing. It is an exciting process, it is a lot of fun and can also be challenging.

Cost: $650

Duration: 2-4 Weeks Approx. We will work around your availability. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better
— Maya Angelou